Learn to Hack/CyberSecurity Labs
Alert to win - https://alf.nu/alert1
Attack-Defense - https://attackdefense.com
Bancocn - https://bancocn.com
Certified Secure - https://lnkd.in/gBKK-i-s
CMD Challenge - https://cmdchallenge.com
CryptoHack - https://cryptohack.org/
CTF Komodo Security - https://ctf.komodosec.com
Ctftime - https://ctftime.org/
Cyberdefenders - https://lnkd.in/gCf8v4Ju
CyberSecLabs - https://lnkd.in/gmyzMXju
EchoCTF - https://echoctf.red/
Explotation Education - https://exploit.education
Google CTF - https://lnkd.in/e46drbz8
Hack The Box - https://lnkd.in/ggfAMdQ8
Hackaflag BR - https://hackaflag.com.br/
Hacker Security - https://lnkd.in/gJbSaY3f
Hacker101 - https://ctf.hacker101.com
Hacking-Lab - https://hacking-lab.com/
Hacksplaining - https://lnkd.in/gVd9dNkK
HackTheBox - https://www.hackthebox.com
Hackthis - https://www.hackthis.co.uk
HackXpert - https://hackxpert.com/
HSTRIKE - https://hstrike.com
ImmersiveLabs - https://immersivelabs.com
LetsDefend- https://letsdefend.io/
NewbieContest - https://lnkd.in/gZ4UjDhy
OSBOXES - http://www.osboxes.org/
OverTheWire - http://overthewire.org
Penetration Testing Practice Labs - https://lnkd.in/grQev9Kk
PentestIT LAB - https://lab.pentestit.ru
Pentestlab - https://pentesterlab.com
PicoCTF - https://picoctf.com
PortSwigger Web Security Academy - https://lnkd.in/gAPq2ezr
Practical Pentest Labs - https://lnkd.in/gUSqv6xS
Pwn college - https://dojo.pwn.college/
PWNABLE - https://lnkd.in/gNcyqG64
RangeForce - https://lnkd.in/gGy3feqt
Root in Jail - http://rootinjail.com
Root-Me - https://www.root-me.org
SANS Challenger - https://lnkd.in/gG-5_ZPF
SmashTheStack - https://lnkd.in/gMFNTURc
TCM Security - https://lnkd.in/gbQinqvf
The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges - https://cryptopals.com
Try Hack Me - https://tryhackme.com
Vulnhub - https://www.vulnhub.com
Vulnmachines https://vulnmachines.com/
W3Challs - https://w3challs.com
WeChall - http://www.wechall.net
Zenk-Security - https://lnkd.in/g_y_p5ha
Webgoat - https://lnkd.in/gjsgegYw
Linux Distros
Kali Linux is a Debian based distro which focuses on advanced penetration testing and security auditing. It’s a Swiss army knife of hacking utilities with a vast amount of functions ranging from wireless penetration, Bluetooth hacking, information collecting, digital forensics, vulnerability scanning and analysis, reverse engineering, password cracking, and more.
DistroWatch pretty much has every Linux distro you can possibly think of. Don’t nerd out too much. ;
ParrotOS aka Parrot Security is a free open source Debian GNU/Linux distro similar to Kali, but lighter. It is considered a portable laboratory of cybersecurity tools for penetration testing, computer forensics, reverse engineering, and includes tools for maintaining online privacy and anonymity. It has a sleek look, easy to navigate interface, and it runs fast. Tor-Browser comes ready to launch.
Demon Linux replaced WeakNet Linux. It’s a Debian based information security/penetration testing OS, which uses the XFCE desktop build.
DistroTest is the first online operating system tester. They have 1209 versions with 303 operating systems, providing users a free, no-subscription platform to test Linux distros in their virtual environment.
BlackArch is a penetration testing distro with a diverse, robust set of tools. It's based on the Monolithic Linux kernel, and utilizes the Pacman manager. Terminal commands will be unfamiliar to users acquainted distros based on the Debian and Ubuntu kernels.
Free Educational/Training Resources
HTML: html.com
CSS: web.dev/learn/css
JavaScript: javascript.info
React: reactplay.io
API: rapidapi.com/learn
Python: learnpython.org
SQL: w3schools.com/sql
Git: git-scm.com/book
Vue: learnvue.co
JavaScript: javascriptquiz.com
Nextjs: nextjs.org/learn
PHP: phptherightway.com
GO: learn-golang.org
Open Source: markodenic.com/make-your-firs…
AI: elementsofai.com
ML: freecodecamp.org/learn/machine-…
Web3: learnweb3.io
Blockchain: cryptozombies.io
Flexbox: flexboxfroggy.com
SEO: markodenic.com/category/seo
Rust: rust-lang.org/learn
Design Patterns: refactoring.guru